Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am not exactly sure what to write for the proposal so i am just going to write what i think. I already have wrote about my production log in previous posts. So right now i will elaborate on my self evaluation. I believe that i grew a lot from this project. At first i thought that this class was going to be impossible. I didnt think i was going to be able to do it. After this midterm i have changed my mind. I think that my midterm came out pretty well. I like the way it looks and am proud of the effort i put into it. The assignment was to make any 3 dimensional object in maya and animate it. So i looked on the internet until i found something that look interesting and thats is the wine glass like i previously stated. Then from there i just expanded my idea into a full dining table. I really wanted to add more, but i just did not have the time. Eventually i would like to add chairs, napkins and some kind of middle ornament. And sometime down the road add a room around it to finish it off. I found out that 3d animation is difficult, but very fun and rewarding in the end.

Final video

This is my final midterm project. It was rendered with maya software and not in menta ray like i meant t to be. So it does not look the way i want, but i feel it cam out to look pretty good for me not knowing anything about maya before this class.

One problem i ran into....

When i was first rendering the project i didnt realize that iw as rendering in menta ray. Apparently this is better quality and high amount of reflections. As you can see from the picture the render had a lot of different detail. All this detail was lost when i had to render with maya software.

An extra shot of the dining table...

On to the camera

The camera took me a little while to figure out what i wanted to do. I first decided to make it look like a plane was flying through it, but then realized that it was hard to see my project. So i created a circle and bent two of the sides so the camera would catch the bottom and top of the dining set. I connected the camera to the motion path and let it run for 120 frames.

Utensils continued....

Im going to bunch the next two little projects together. The next utensils i made were the forks and knives. I did this by creating a polygon. I copied a picture of a fork and knife to the background. Then just outlined both with the polygon tool. After that i duplicated both outlines and then extruded them, This gave them their 3d look. After that i had to bend and curve a bunch of vertices until both look like their respective objects. Then added blinn shaders with some reflections.


First utensil i made was a plate. The plate was easy to make. I just created a CV curve and then revolved it. After that i just pulled some vertices to make it look more like a plate.

On to the table

After i made the wine glass i figured that making a dining set would be the next step in this project. So i took another glance on the web and found some interesting pictures. I thought about it and decided to go with a picnic looking table. I created a table out of nurbs objects. I then added a wood shader to the surface of the table. After that had to create the table cloth. I did this by creating an nCloth. Once i did that i messed around with the properties until it would fall properly. After that i made it so that the table would be a solid object because if i didnt the cloth would have fallen write through it. Then i had to play the scene for about 3000 frames untill the table cloth fell the way i liked. I then added the table cloth shader.

Start of Midterm

I started my project with a simple idea of making a wine glass. I got this idea form looking around the web. I noticed how cool 3d wine glasses looked and wanted to try it. This is my first part of the project that i finished. I did it by creating a CV curve and then revolving it. I added a blinn shader and messed around with all of the properties until it fit.